UT Medical Students

Emergency Medicine Interest Group


The Emergency Medicine Interest Group at UTHSC is a student-run, faculty supported organization dedicated to exposing students to the field of Emergency Medicine. The group conducts meetings, conferences, and special activities throughout the year to improve the knowledge base and skill set needed for EM. Furthermore, the EMIG focuses on connecting students with EM doctors in the field for hands on exposure. At some point in their education, every medical student will have contact with the Emergency Department. The activities held by the EMIG are geared to help students prepare for and excel in situations that they are likely to encounter throughout their time at UT. 

The EMIG will have an exposition at each UTSCH New Student Orientation week to recruit new members.

ROH Suture Tech Program

The Suture Tech program has served the Elvis Presley Trauma Center at Regional One Health Medical Center since 1974. The Suture Tech team is composed of fifteen 2nd – 4th year medical students who are who are hired as part-time employees to assist with laceration repairs, wound care, trauma activation, and a variety of other tasks. Suture Techs works closely with EM residents and attendings to ensure that patients in need of time-consuming wound care are treated appropriately and efficiently.


Faculty Liaison: Thomas Triplett, MD