Didactic Curriculum
Residency didactic conferences are held on Thursday mornings and are protected from clinical responsibilities. The focus of the conference is core emergency medicine content. Through a mix of resident- and faculty-delivered lectures, small group sessions, discussion of landmark articles, and case-based learning, residents learn the foundations of emergency care for both children and adults.
Simulation training is a focal point of our residency program. The CHIPS is a 45,000-square-foot facility and the largest urban simulation center in the country. We run monthly simulation conferences where teams of residents tackle difficult clinical cases to enhance team dynamics, resuscitation, and procedural skills.
Journal Club
We have a dual purpose for our journal club, which is hosted in faculty homes. We want to engage our residents through selected articles to move the practice forward through informal, yet engaging discussions regarding research methodology, critical appraisal of literature, or interesting perspectives on clinical questions. In addition, these journal clubs are designed to facilitate relationship-building between residents and faculty outside of the clinical environment. We also host multidisciplinary journal clubs involving faculty and residents from other specialties such as surgery, radiology, etc. to further enrich our discussions and strengthen interdepartmental relationships.